Pictor Explorer

A comprehensive view of the Pictor network with detailed statistics and insights. Similar to Sui’s Suiscan, Pictor Explorer offers transparency for our GPU-powered operations.

Pictor Explorer democratizes access to our cloud data, allowing users to see detailed, transparent real-time statistics and gain insights into every aspect of the Pictor Network. By providing complete visibility into the Network map, Workers, Render jobs, and Transactions, Pictor Explorer empowers users to easily monitor, analyze, and understand the Pictor Network.

Pictor Explorer consists of five pages:

  1. Overview

  2. Network map

  3. Workers

  4. Render jobs

  5. Transactions


The Overview page serves as a central portal for users and the Pictor community, offering a concise and transparent view of the network’s key metrics, resource availability, and pricing information. By displaying essential data in a single, easily accessible location, the Overview page fosters a deeper understanding of the Pictor's dynamics, enabling users to monitor network performance and make informed decisions.

The Overview page is organized into three primary sections:

  • Resource Summary

  • Pricing

  • Supply Insights & Geo Distribution

1. Resource Summary

The Resource Summary section offers a quick view of the network’s overall performance and resource utilization, helping users gauge the scale and efficiency of the network.

This section displays the total number of:

  • Render jobs handled

  • Render jobs spent (in USD, for example)

  • Qualified GPUs

  • Qualified CPUs

  • Render Node

  • Checker Node

2. Pricing

This Pricing section lists the configurations of GPU render nodes available in the network (e.g., single RTX 4090), along with their respective quantities and pricing rates (i.e. $0.4/hour).

3. Supply Insights & Geo Distribution

The Supply Insights & Geo Distribution section provides a visual representation of the Pictor network’s GPU render node distribution across the globe. This section displays the following information:

  • A map showing all countries with GPU render nodes contributed to the Pictor Network

  • When a specific country is selected (e.g., United States), the following information is displayed:

    • Country name

    • Total number of GPUs contributed

    • Total number of CPUs contributed

    • List of render nodes (with configurations and their quantities) contributed

Network map

The Network Map page is a powerful and interactive feature of the Pictor Explorer, providing a comprehensive overview of the global distribution of Worker (GPU render node) across the Pictor network. This intuitive visual representation allows users to easily understand the allocation of Worker resources across various countries, including their quantity and current status such as online or offline.

The Network Map page simplifies the process of understanding the network’s infrastructure by enabling users to click on any map point to access detailed information about a specific Worker in that country.

When a map point is selected, users can view key details about the Worker, including:

  • Worker ID

  • GPU configuration (model and quantity)

  • Country

  • Location

  • OS (Operating System)

  • Duration of operation

  • Current status (Idle, Offline, etc.)


The Workers page provides a detailed and transparent view of all the Worker devices connected to the Pictor Network, along with real-time metrics on their usage and earnings. This page offers users valuable insights into the current status of the network’s Worker devices and the level of demand for their computing power.

The Workers page is structured into three main sections:

  • Summary

  • Worker Daily Earning Graph

  • Worker List

1. Summary

This Summary section displays the summary statistics of all workers in the Pictor network, for today and for all time.

It is divided into four primary metrics:

  • Total Worker Earnings

  • Today Worker Earnings

  • Total Workers

  • Total Compute Duration

2. Worker Daily Earning Graph

The Worker Daily Earning Graph presents a daily breakdown of earnings generated by Workers over a specified period. Each bar represents a day, providing a visual representation of fluctuations in Worker earnings.

3. Worker List

The Worker List displays an extensive list of individual Workers, and offers a transparent and detailed view of connected Workers, with real-time metrics on their status.

Each Worker is listed with the following details:

  • ID

  • Status

  • Duration

  • GPU configuration (model and quantity)

  • Total Earn

Render jobs

The Render jobs page provides an in-depth view of all 3D rendering jobs processed through the Pictor network. This page gives users full visibility into the rendering jobs, including the financial expenditures, job statuses, and specific details of each render job.

The Render jobs page is structured into two main sections:

  • Summary Statistics

  • Render Job List

1. Summary Statistics

The Summary Statistics section provides critical data about the rendering jobs completed on the Pictor network. This section is divided into several key metrics:

  • Total Render Jobs Spent

  • Total Jobs

  • Total Frames

  • Total Re-rendered Frames

2. Render Job List

The Render Job List provides a detailed view of each render job processed by the network. Each job is listed with the following information:

  • ID

  • Software (i.e. Blender, Cinema 4D, etc.)

  • Quantity (in render frames)

  • Credits Used (in Dollar credits or PICTOR tokens)

  • Status

  • Date (receipt and completion date)


The Transactions page provides a detailed view of all on-chain transactions conducted within the Pictor network, accompanied by real-time metrics for these transactions.

This page is organized into two main sections:

  • Summary Statistics

  • Transactions List

1. Summary Statistics

The Summary Statistics section provides a snapshot of the on-chain transaction activity within the Pictor network. It includes two main metrics:

  • Total On-Chain Transactions

  • Today On-Chain Transactions

2. Transactions List

The Transactions List section provides a transparent and detailed record of transactions processed by the network with real-time data. Each transaction in the list includes the following details:

  • ID (with a link to view Transaction details)

  • Duration

  • Status

  • Start Time

Each Transaction ID comes with a unique link. Users can click on any specific Transaction ID link to view detailed information about that transaction.

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